The 3rd March celebrates World Wildlife day and in recognition we would like to tell you all a bit about how the JSPCA helps local wildlife in Jersey.
As our mission statement says we “Prevent cruelty, promote knowledge, and provide for the aged, sick, lost and unwanted animals in Jersey” and wildlife is no exception.
Wildlife is year round and we treat wild animals every day here at the JSPCA. In 2017 we carried out 794 veterinary procedures on wildlife. Last summer we helped rear and release over 150 wild baby birds.
Already this year we have treated a range of animals including fledgling birds, birds of prey, a juvenile swan and oiled seas birds.
We are also involved with a red squirrel research project where we help collect data from the squirrels we see. Unfortunately this also includes deceased squirrels, however we then take data such as sex, measurements, approximate age and location found to better help us understand and support the continuation of red squirrels as a species.
At the moment one of our dedicated members of staff is hand rearing the first baby red squirrel of the year who came into us injured.
We rely on the wonderful members of the public to let us know when they see a wild animal in need of help and treatment. Our 24/7 ambulance service is then available to collect these patients, if the member of public is not able to bring them in.
It is vital for us to continue supporting and treating the local wildlife of Jersey so that we can maintain our massively varied ecosystem, for years to come.
We are so very grateful for any help we receive from members of the public, whether it be a donation towards helping feed and house a wild animal, to even a quick phone call to let us know about an animal in need.
Thank you so much for continuing to help us help local wildlife.