

We love a good foster fail story! This time we would like to tell you about Max! Our 2nd forever home found through the Dog Guardian Scheme –

He came into the JSPCA after he could no longer be cared for. Unfortunately Max required medical treatment for his coat, ears and eyes before being rehomed. During his time at the JSPCA, Max was placed in a Guardian Home so that he could live a comfy, normal life whilst receiving treatment and coming in for vets appointments.

We are pleased to report that his “foster mum” fell in love with him and during his short time with her, his coat and jumper collection grew and grew. We loved seeing which jumper he was modeling next! Here is Max’s story told by his new mum, and we couldn’t be happier for himĀ ????????????????????

I have always been an animal lover, and dogs have always held a special place in my heart. I joined the Guardianship Scheme because I loved the idea of being able to give the JSPCA dogs a comfy home whilst they waited for their forever family.

When I got the call about Max, I was incredibly nervous. He’d arrived at the JSPCA in a bit of a state, and needed some real TLC.

The minute I met him, I fell in love. He is the daftest, happiest little guy you could ever meet. His priorities in life are food, snuggles and sleep, in that order!

Over the past 6 weeks, his fur has grown back and his confidence has gone through the roof. He settled in quickly, and has a good routine going. He’s a bit spoilt, but who could say no to that face?

During his stay, it very quickly became clear to everyone that Max and I had bonded. My family and friends love him too. I hadn’t planned to keep the first dog I was guardian for, but I just couldn’t let him go. So, when the time came for rehoming, I signed the papers and brought him back to his forever home.

He’s an old fella with a lot of health issues, so I don’t know how long I will have him. But I will be forever grateful to the JSPCA for bringing him into my life.