
The President’s Annual report 2018

The President, Charles Gruchy, read his report for the year to members at the AGM:

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome again and especially to the many new members with us tonight for the AGM of the JSPCA in this the 150th year since the founding of our Charity.  Many of you will have already participated in the first event to mark this achievement at the Family Fun Day held at the RJA & HS which was attended by over 1,000 people including our Patron the Bailiff and Lady Bailhache, and was a great success enjoyed by all.  My very grateful thanks go to the anniversary committee set up to arrange this tremendous occasion and to the very many helpers and participants giving their time and skills freely.  A permanent record of our special anniversary is being commemorated by the Post Office with an issue of stamps on this Friday the 25 May, the actual anniversary date.  Also I would commend you to walk down King Street and look at the marvelous window display in de Gruchy’s department store celebrating this week for which we are extremely grateful to management and staff for creating and Lynne Cook who took on this task.


Last year the AGM had to be reconvened as the meeting was not quorate on the first occasion but I am delighted that this year we are well met.  No new members stood for committee last year and there were retirements due by the constitution.  From the end of June following on the Chief Executive Officer’s leave of absence the four Officers assumed the day to day running of the Society’s activities.  Over the past few months five members of the Society have been co-opted to the committee and have brought a wealth of experience and support for which the Officers are extremely grateful.  Election of officers and committee members for the next three years is Item 5 on the Agenda.


Some of the challenges that the Society has encountered will be given in more detail by the Treasurer, but his report is to the financial year end which is December 31st.  I wish to acknowledge the financial support and encouragement we have received from the Roy Overland, George and Leonora Sullivan and Annie Rouse Trusts and also State Street who have named the JSPCA as one of their charities to receive funds raised by this year’s Round the Island Walk.  I am also grateful for the many donations the Society receives from very many individuals and businesses that raise money on our behalf and of course for the receipt of legacies, which have a substantial influence on being able to achieve and effect our daily work.


I wish to thank all our staff during the very difficult recent times involving major restructuring of roles and for their help and commitment to achieving savings on running costs.  Essentially there is now in place a Senior Management Team of four supported by four Middle Managers who ensure the efficient day to day running of the Society’s core activities.  Both teams hold regular weekly minuted meetings and the Senior Managers are supported by an Officer directly on a daily basis as required.


Sadly there have been two redundancies.  A further reduction in staff numbers following resignation and non-replacement has occurred too.  These changes have not caused any diminution in the quality and number of the services we provide nor the number of animals that are treated.  Indeed one of the great achievements this year has been the successful implementation of the Dog Guardian Scheme where volunteers take dogs that are looking for homes but require extra care and attention to ‘re-educate’ them back in to a home environment before they can be fully adopted.  These are dogs which are not best suited to a kennel environment but relax and flourish when given that special chance.  A huge thank you to all our Dog Guardians.  In the same vein there are many people who regularly volunteer and work on site, cleaning kennels and taking time to befriend other animals in our care before rehoming and thus enriching those animals’ lives before they move to permanent homes.  Our volunteers provide invaluable help.  Thank you.


In October it will be five years since the granting of Building Permission to develop the area behind the granite building and in so doing losing all the dog kenneling facilities.  To that end we had been pursuing the possibility of new kennel facilities in St Mary and at Pont Rose, St Brelade, for several years.  We withdrew our interest in St Mary at the end of last year but continued to explore the other site, however it has now been sold.  An application to extend the Planning Permission may have to be made in October in order to be able to realise the asset in the future if required.


The Society has much to be proud of in this anniversary year and has been through many difficult times.  It is still achieving its mission put simply as the Three P’s:  Prevent cruelty, Promote knowledge, Provide for the aged, sick, lost and unwanted animals.  I make no apology for once again thanking all staff for their effort, cohesion and professionalism recognising that they are the ones delivering our services the Three P’s, 24/7 made ultimately possible by your support and that of very many Islanders and others, and going forward we the Society will continue to have a bright and happy future.