
Bonfire & Fireworks Weekend 2018

We hope that you all stay safe and pets are kept inside with the TV & Radio turned up for any who are scared and do not cope well at this time of year.

Here is pre-warning of all the organised events in the island starting tonight through to next week. Unfortunately there will be people setting off fireworks privately too which is terrifying for our pets.


Please remember that Thunder shirts, Adaptil & Feliway, and Pet Remedy products can help to calm and relax our furry companions.

Organised Events for 2018 –

Tamba Park – 2nd & 3rd November @7pm

St Martins – 3rd November from 6pm

Moulin de Lecq – 3rd November from 6pm

Variety Club (Farm House, St John) – Mon 5th November @ 7.30pm

St George’s Prep School – Fri 9th November @ 7pm

Further reading:

Blue Cross advice – https://www.bluecross.org.uk/pet-advice/fireworks-and-pets