
Appeal for Guardian Homes for our dogs with Behavioural Problems

Can you offer a temporary home?…..


We are looking for people willing to open up their homes to our dogs that need a bit of extra training and understanding. A guardian home is a temporary home for dogs, the JSPCA provides all medical care, food, bedding and anything else the dog needs whilst the guardian provides a loving home, carries out the training required and exercises the dog.


This is a note from one of our wonderful, dedicated guardians that has helped us with a variety of dogs from husky crosses to Jack Russells and has dealt with various issues from dog aggression to house training:

 “As guardians we have encountered a range of issues displayed by the dogs we have looked after, each dog coming with their own unique special needs. The dogs can’t tell you their story and no one knows what troubles and sadness they have experienced in their previous life. As much as possible, information is shared between the kennel staff and the guardians and there should be no surprises when the dog goes home. Being a guardian might not always be easy and can be demanding, time consuming and messy(!!) However, if you have a home, a big heart and a desire to share your love with these dogs, then the rewards for both dog and guardian are huge! Saying ‘goodbye’ is always the hardest part!”

Ruth and her family are absolute gems and they’ve done so much for these dogs to help them move on and into forever homes.


If you are interested in becoming a guardian for one of our more troublesome dogs, please get in touch on 724331, info@jspca.org.je or drop us a message.