Lola and Bristle (Rehomed)

Lola and Bristle get along well with their neighbours scooter and skater and love play flighting with one another. They are 10 weeks + and are ready to find their forever home 🏠. They are very quiet and tamed girls which love napping, eating food and playing in shredded paper. They adore cuddles and climbing on different […]

Cricket and Flea (Rehomed)

Cricket and Flea are siblings which where brought into the animal shelter at 4-5 weeks old. Now at age 10 weeks + they are ready to find their forever homes. They are beautiful pair and get along with other ferrets any age and humans. They are very tame and show off by play fighting with […]

Nugget (Rehomed)

This is Nugget! He is a 8 month old Syrian hamster. He’s a cute little guy who likes running on his wheel and being nosey but he can be quite nervous of people but hopefully over time and with lots of treats he will become your best friend. If your interested in nugget please fill […]

Cleo (Rehomed)

It’s taken a little while for Cleo to warm up to and trust us but with lots of treats and patience she’s shown herself to be a very sweet little cat who adores being made a fuss of. She will need a quiet home to help with settling in as she can still be very […]

Toni (Rehomed)

Toni a very quiet little lady who is looking for a calm home as she can be very nervous. Once she’s warmed up to you she does like having a fuss made of her but shes not very keen on getting out of her cosy bed. Toni needs an understanding owner who will let her […]

Bubbles and Chutney (Rehomed)

Introducing Bubbles our female aged 2 and Chutney our male aged 4 our new couple recently mixed together. They didn’t hit it of from the start but now they are good friends. ♥They are both very confident and love people especially when there is snacks. 🥬They are always both out and about exploring the run […]

Dex (Rehomed)

This is Dex 💙 Dex is a 9 year old crossbreed. He loves playtime with his toys (his favourite are soft toys) and enjoys snuggling next to you on the couch. He really loves his snacks and on the odd occasion will do a little tap dance for them. He likes his enrichment & enjoys […]


Jasper is a very friendly chap looking for his forever home with a nice secure garden as he is hard of hearing, he had to have his ears removed due to cancer. He loves attention and having a fuss made of him, he especially loves sitting in your lap or shoulders. He can be quite […]

Mercury (Rehomed)

Mercury is a very friendly girl who adores climbing into your lap to get lots of fuss made of her, she loves being stroked but can be a bit wary of her head being touched. She is quite a vocal cat and chats a lot when there are people around. She can go with children […]

Teddy (Rehomed)

Everyone say hello to Teddy. He is a 8 year old chihuahua who loves cuddles! Teddy is a very sweet teeny tiny chihuahua looking for a loving home, where he can play with his toys and be a lap dog!! He loves meeting new people especially if they have a tasty snack for him. Teddy […]