Derek (Rehomed)

Derek is a very handsome young Muscovy duck. He has been raised as a pet from around 8 weeks old so is very tame. Unfortunately as Derek has matured he has been making unwelcome advances towards chickens in his previous home so a home with other Muscovy ducks would be perfect for him. As Derek […]

Nero (Rehomed)

Nero is a cheeky chap full of character, he loves nothing more than eating! He’s also quite a cuddly boy when he’s not running around exploring and playing. He’s looking for a home where he will get lots of attention and treats in demand. He can live with older sensible children as he can get […]

Rexi (Rehomed)

Rexi is a lovely little lady with a heart of gold, she loves nothing more than sitting on your lap or snuggling up under a cozy blanket. She can be quite timid of loud noises and new situations however once she comfortable she turns into a cuddle bug. She is looking for a nice calm […]

Daisy (Rehomed)

Daisy is a fun little character to watch as she adventures around her cage. Daisy has been helping the highlands students with their animal husbandry and handling sessions and now these are finished she is looking for a home to call her own. Daisy likes to be handled but can be scared of loud noises. […]

Turbo and Badger (Rehomed)

Turbo and badger are our gorgeous shy boys who are looking for a home. With time and alot of hides the boys will grow with confidence. The boys become very snuggly once they are on your lap and would be perfect lap pets for cuddles. Making sure the boys have lots of veg and hay […]

Biscuit and Nugget (Rehomed)

Biscuit and nugget are very chatty boys who are very food orientated and very confident. Biscuit and nugget love snuggling up together and running around showing of a bit of their parkour skills. With time the boys will be more confident the more they are handle and tempted with tasty treats. A home with lots […]

Tommy (Rehomed)

Tommy is a very sweet little boy who’s looking for a home with lots of space to explore! Tommy is quite a nosey boy and likes to see what’s going on. And is your best friend for the right snacks!

Salt and Pepper (Rehomed)

Salt and pepper are very cute boys who are on a special diet. Salt is more confident then pepper and will give you kisses and affection. With time pepper will be more confident but is a very loving boy to. A home with lots of hidey places and enrichment would benefit the boys and help […]

Max (Rehomed)

Max is a confident boy who adores being the center of attention. He loves having a fuss made over him and also enjoys rolling around on the floor showing off. Potential new owners will need to have a chat with our vets before taking him as he has some ongoing medical problems that require special […]

Lucy (Rehomed)

Lucy is a very lovely little lady who is looking for a nice quiet home where she can relax and chill out. She can be very nervous but is extremely affectionate once she gets to know you and loves nothing more than getting chin scratches and fuss. Potential new owners might need to come and […]