
Dasher & Dancer (Rehomed)

Hi, my name is

Dasher & Dancer (Rehomed)


2 1/2 Years Old




Male and Female


White and Grey

Home Needed

Large hutch and run

Other Pets



Older, sensible children

All About Me

Hi, I’m Dasher and I live with my sister, Dancer. We’re around 2 and a half years old and first came to the shelter at Christmas time in 2016 as strays, that’s how we got our names!

We were rehomed and unfortunately we’ve ended up back at the shelter. We came back in October last year and we were chosen to be the education rabbits! This meant we got to meet lots of people and get lots of extra treats! But we’ve been here 10 months now and it’s time we found a new forever home, as lovely as it is at the shelter we’d really like to move out to give the new education bunnies their time to shine!

We need a big hutch with a run in our new home and we’d love to live with someone who will have lots of time to spend with us and make sure we are happy! Here at the shelter we get fed in different enrichment toys each day and it would be great if that could be continued, we’ll get bored otherwise! Our favourite things are treats, food, treats, toys, treats, veggies, treats, lounging around with each other, treats, exploring, treats and more treats!! Food truly is the way to our hearts.

We can be nervous when it comes to being handled and groomed, but with time (and treats!) I think we could be persuaded to think otherwise.

We’d prefer not to live with young children as we need someone who really understands when we’re not happy and will give us the space that we need.

If you think you can offer us the perfect forever home (which I think we deserve) then pop into the JSPCA and please bring a picture of our hutch, proof of address and landlord permission if you’re in rented accommodation!

We look forward to meeting you!