
Hercule and Priscilla (Rehomed)

Hi, my name is

Hercule and Priscilla (Rehomed)






Male and Female



Home Needed

Suitable birdcage for the two of us or an aviary

Other Pets

Not recommended. Could possibly mix with other budgies.



All About Me

Hercule here, and this is my gorgeous lady-friend Priscilla 😉
We came in to the JSPCA as stray budgies, separately, but love couldn’t tear us apart and we ended up a perfect match! My friends here at the JSPCA aren’t sure of our ages because we were strays.
We are usually found perched together sharing a seed or 12, or if no one is looking we steal a quick kiss 😉
I was quite shy when I arrived but my girl Priscilla has brought me out of my shell and now I sing my heart out to her all afternoon 😊
Priscilla on the other hand has always been a sassy lady ever since she arrived here! She will tell you off if you get too close to her snacks.
We love to fly around our room here and will quite happy perch out and about for an hour or two and then fly back in to our cage when we need a nap! We would also be happy to live in an aviary.
Hope to meet you soon! We are a minimum donation of £10 each (which we are definitely worth!)
If you feel you have the perfect home for these two lovebirds (yes, we know they are budgies!), please pop in between 2pm and 4 pm Monday to Friday (please remember your face mask!) and fill out an application either in person or online: https://jspca.org.je/2019/07/15/adopt-another-animal/
If you wish to reserve them we will need proof of address dated within the last 2 months and if you live in rented accommodation we will need permission from your landlord for you to keep this species.